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JULY 2020—Resources may have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You can help prevent delays by pre-marking your proposed dig area in white and notifying 811 of your planned excavation with as much lead time as possible (up to 14 calendar days in California). |
To learn more about SCE's response to COVID-19, click here. |
You may already know that state law requires you to notify 811 before digging so that underground utility lines can be located and marked. But do you know exactly how many days in advance you are required to do this, and whether you must premark your proposed excavation site to delineate it for locators?
State-mandated notification time frames and pre-marking requirements vary. Here are some important tips to follow in California.
Notify DigAlert Before You Dig
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Dial 811 or notify DigAlert online at least two working days before you dig, not including the date of notification, weekends, and legal holidays. For online ticket entry, visit digalert.org. |
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Before you notify DigAlert, you must pre-mark your proposed dig area with white paint, chalk, flags, and/or stakes. |
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Do NOT dig until all utilities have responded. Notify 811 if you see evidence of unmarked facilities or if any utilities have not responded when the deadline passes. |
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If you do not notify DigAlert before digging, you may be subject to fines up to $50,000 and have to pay the cost of any damaged utilities. |
Emergency Exceptions
If you must respond to an emergency—such as a broken water main or other threat to life, health, property, or essential public services—these requirements do not apply. In this case, please call 811 as soon as possible to request emergency locate assistance.
Would You Like to Know More?
More electrical safety tips, case studies, instructional videos, and training tools can all be found, at no charge to you, at sce.com/safetyonthejob.
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In an Electrical Emergency, Call 911 |
For questions about working near power lines or to report an electrical safety hazard, call SCE at 1-800-611-1911. |
Never Approach Anyone or Anything Touching a Downed Wire |
Stay Away, Call 911 |